
Siiri started in gymnastics at 6 years old, she trained for 11 years. In 1988 she was rewarded with “Master of sport” title. In 2005 she competed in female fitness (164+ cm) both on Estonian and European level (Yalta, Ukraine), where she reached 8th place. Since 2008 she worked as a group trainer in muscle trainings, core trainings and stretching. Siiri holds FAF (Fitness Academy of Finland) personal and gym trainer’s license, body building and fitness trainer EKR 4th levels license; she also passed different TRX courses. She participates in different courses and seminars to improve her skills. Siiri feels proud and happy for all of her students – from both personal and group trainings.

Personal training 7x 266.00
Personal training 1x 45.00
Group personal training 1x 0.00
Group personal trainings 7x 0.00
Body composition analysis 15.00
Training and dietary counseling 0.00
Personal training 3x 120.00
Treeningprogramm 7X (1 inimese tasu 4-liikmelises grupis) 0.00
Personaaltreening 1x sõbraga 59.00
Massaaz 30 min 0.00
Personaaltreening 3x sõbraga 156.00
Treeningkava 45.00
Personaaltreening 7x sõbraga 346.00

Siiri Maisa

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