
In today’s fast-paced lives, we often look for quick and easy solutions to get in better shape, but real and lasting change comes from consistency and small steps. 

The role of a personal trainer is not only to prepare training plans and guide clients. It is much more than that: it is about inspiring, motivating and developing a person to become the best version of themselves. A personal trainer is not just an instructor, but also a supporter, mentor and companion on the client’s journey to a healthier and happier life. 

Get to know personal trainer Andreas Pikorainen, who shares his journey and thoughts about the work of a personal trainer and achieving clients’ health and fitness goals. 

What inspired you to become a personal trainer? 

I have always been driven by a desire to make a difference in people’s lives. Working in an office, I felt like something was missing, I wanted to achieve something more. Looking for more, I came across the profession of personal trainer. I found my calling in helping others achieve their fitness goals and help them gain control of their health. There is no greater joy than seeing someone achieve their goals and develop new confidence. It was this sense of purpose that inspired me to help people become the best version of themselves.

Every little step matters. We celebrate victories, no matter how small they may seem. 

How would you describe yourself as a trainer? 

I am a trainer who is passionate about motivating people to make sustainable healthier lifestyle changes. One step at a time. Health is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Why should someone choose you as their personal trainer? 

I believe that fitness should be a journey, not a destination. It is about building a positive relationship with your body and creating habits that will make you feel good, not just look good. Working together, we can achieve lasting results that extend beyond the gym. 

In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s easy to get caught up in quick and easy fixes. But when it comes to health and wellness, true transformation requires a focus on sustainable habits. 

How do you get a client excited about a workout without using chocolate or confiscating their phone? 

In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s easy to get caught up in quick and easy fixes. But when it comes to health and wellness, true transformation requires a focus on sustainable habits. I recently heard a saying that inspired me and could inspire anyone: “It’s better to be the oldest in the gym than the youngest in the nursing home.” And if that doesn’t cut it, I’d use ice cream! 

If you were a piece of training equipment, which would you be? Would you prefer a weight plate or an elastic band? Why? 

I mostly relate to the assisted pull-up machine. The more weight is added, the easier it is to perform the exercise. This, in turn, is similar to how my recommendations and knowledge make the training path to achieving your goals easier. 

How do you motivate clients to achieve long-term goals and overcome difficult obstacles? 

Every little step counts. We celebrate victories, no matter how small they may seem. Improvement of technique or well-being, or maybe an old shirt that has been lying in the closet fits again. 

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of the gym and how do they enrich your life? 

I enjoy cycling and playing board games with my family. And even the rare Estonian sun does wonders for the mood. Time spent with family creates shared memories, jokes and is simply a great pastime that enriches my life. 

How does going to the gym affect other daily hobbies and activities? 

Being active ensures good health and well-being. Compared to the time before I started training, the number of illnesses has significantly decreased. Better health and mood ensure a richer quality of life, supporting me in all aspects of my life. And opening the jar is never a problem. 

What are the three most important aspects of life for you to live a long, healthy and happy life? 

  • Try to be at least 1% better today than you were yesterday. By the end of the year, every little effort will have paid off.
  • Fall seven times, get up eight times. Every failure is a learning moment. It is important to continue and keep trying, not to give up.
  • Every step, no matter when or what decision is made, is a step closer to where I need to be.

Andreas Pikorainen, personal trainer 

Andreas’s path in the world of sports began in early childhood. Andreas was attracted to competitive dance and badminton. From a young age, he loved to move, and his training path led him to the gym to achieve better results. Andreas’ passion for strength training made him want to use his knowledge to help others achieve a healthier lifestyle. For him, the most important thing in training is person’s goals. He also considers willpower and technique to be important. Andreas will help you achieve your desired goals through individual and purposeful training.  

If you want a fresh start to your journey, feel free to contact Andreas by e-mail 


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