Group trainings’ booking rules

  • Only holders of a valid MyFitness membership agreement and period card can register for group training.
  • Non-members may register for training at the sports club on the day of training, subject to availability.
  • Training can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance (current week + next week), with a maximum of 12 active bookings allowed at the same time.
  • You can book two training sessions on the same day, but if there are free places, you can also take part in other training sessions, with the exception of Fusion Pilates, where you can have one reservation on the same day.
  • Booking via the website and app ends 15 minutes before the start of the training session.
  • Attendance at the training can be confirmed 2 hours before the start of the training session.
  • To participate in a training session, the training must be confirmed; it can be done on site at the club from the reservation system computer or at the reception desk.
  • If you are unable to attend the booked training session, the booking must be cancelled via the website or app at least 90 minutes before the start of the training.
  • By canceling the training less than 90 minutes before the start of the training, the club has the right to charge 50% of the fee for violation of the booking rules.
  • Booking cannot be cancelled by phone or email.
  • All bookings not cancelled 5 minutes before the start of the training are automatically cancelled by the system. If you are late, you can only take part in the training if there are free spots available.
  • When you are on the waiting list for a class, the information kiosk will display a button “Join if a spot becomes available.” By pressing the button, you will have the right to pass through the turnstile. If a member does not show up or cancels their booking at the last minute, the system will automatically confirm the participation of the client on the waiting list. Spots are allocated based on the order in the waiting list. When you receive a spot, the system will send you a message, so there is no need to visit the customer service desk again, and you can go directly to the class.
  • If you fail to cancel the booked training session, the club has the right to charge a booking violation fee according to the price list. For period cards, the training period is reduced by one day.
  • A booking violation fee will apply if the booking has not been redeemed by the start of the training session.
  • By canceling the training less than 90 minutes before the start of the training, the club has the right to charge 50% of the fee for violation of the booking rules.
  • Waitlist bookings will not be fined as long as the booking remains on the waitlist prior to the start of the training session.
  • If a booking is moved from the waiting list to the confirmed reservations less than 2 hours before the start of the training, the fee is not applied.

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