
In October, we focused on mental health. As the cold winter months approach, we must not forget to balance our physical and mental health to maintain good energy. Maintaining habits that support your health will contribute to success in all aspects of your life. Personal trainer Anna-Liisa Sutt shares five tips on how to support your mental health and apply this knowledge on a daily basis.


Good sleep is the foundation of our mental health. Full and uninterrupted sleep is a necessary condition for the optimal functioning of our entire body, including the functions of our brain. Lack of sleep destroys our cognitive abilities and interferes with their successful functioning. Lack of sleep is also strongly linked to obesity, stress, and mental health disorders.

Full and uninterrupted sleep is a necessary condition for the optimal functioning of our entire body.

You can get more hours of sleep by planning your evening routine. For example, instead of scrolling on the phone in the evening, read a good book or do stretching exercises before going to bed, which help the muscles to relax. Small habits signal the body that it’s time to go to sleep.


Good nutrition plays a role in balancing brain chemistry. Nutrient-rich foods help improve concentration and reduce mood swings. Research has shown that eating a clean diet, which consists of mostly unprocessed foods, can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Improving your nutrition should start with mapping your own food. Check whether you are consuming enough of the necessary foods and what you may be missing. You can also start with smaller things, such as cutting down on energy-dense foods or finding healthier alternatives.


Physical activity is our official supplier of good mood and exporter of stress. A good recommendation is to exercise at least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. This will give you more energy, improve the quality of your sleep, you will be less annoyed by slow traffic, and life in general will seem brighter. Calmness, balance and good mood – all this is possible with continuous training.

It’s easy to increase daily activity, for example by getting off the bus a stop earlier or taking a short walk outside during work breaks. Physical activity gives us extra energy and boosts our self-confidence, so you can get much closer to your goals in your daily life. We at MyFitness will help you create consistency.


Taking care of our needs gives us all our own value. We often fill someone else’s cup and neglect our own. By doing this, we unconsciously tell ourselves: “They are worth more than me, their needs are more important than mine.” With this, we leave ourselves behind; it does not help us to move forward.

Working out with others helps recharge our social batteries while doing something useful.

Finding, identifying and realizing your value is not selfish. This is an important skill in how to take care of yourself. Additionally, investing in yourself helps you build a good and secure relationship with yourself. Think about what fills your cup – learn something new, take up a hobby you love, or take time for yourself. It’s a sustainable attitude that really helps you grow as a person.


Human relationships mutually fill our cup. We are social creatures, prone to interact and form relationships with others. Our brains and bodies are designed for empathy, cooperation, generosity, and communication. Our relationships can be sources of fun, satisfaction, peace and well-being. Therefore, we all need our own “tribe” to feel a sense of belonging. Working out with others helps recharge our social batteries while doing something useful. Our MyFitness family always welcomes new members with whom you can go on new adventures!

The balance between mental and physical health is very important. It gives us the stability and confidence we crave in everyday life. These are important practices to notice, acknowledge, and incorporate into your daily life if possible. It’s important to find a routine that works for you and enjoyable activities that keep you healthy.

Anna-Liisa Sutt Personaaltreener Personaaltreening MyFitness

Anna-Liisa Sutt, personal trainer and experience consultant

Anna-Liisa has been involved in sports all her life – as a young athlete, professional volleyball player, coach, masseuse and consultant. As a personal trainer and volleyball coach, she carries all the values that various roles have offered her throughout her life.
Anna-Liisa remembers that as a coach she has a great responsibility, and therefore she is focused on the person as a whole, and not just on the shaping of the body or skills. It is important for her that her students are healthy both mentally and physically.

Her coaching goal is to create a safe environment for trainees where they can attack their weaknesses and develop their strengths through it. In addition to coaching, Anna-Liisa is also an experienced consultant and conducts trainings and seminars on eating disorders.

If you would like to start your journey from scratch, contact Anna-Liisa by email or follow her activities on Instagram.

The beginning is just one step away!


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