
Ironman 70.3 is over for this year! Congratulations to all MyFitness’ individual participants and teams for their excellent performances. Everyone’s path to the finish line was unique, full of battles with both the weather and personal willpower. Let us look back on this inspiring journey together and find out what was the participants’ impressions.

What went well, and what could have been done better?

Kristjan Maasik: Pain is a part of triathlon

My ride was more difficult than expected. I guess, I could not cope well with the heat and wind. After the first lap, I was still within the time limit I had set, but when I rode against the wind for the second time, I no longer had enough endurance, my legs started to cramp instead. In addition, my stomach was also cramping, so certain positions in the saddle were out of the question.

That is when I had a discussion with myself and decided that I would still try to move forward all the time and not get off the saddle. Often, difficulties and discomfort get stuck in our heads. This is also a big part of Ironman – how much you are willing to experience and endure discomfort and suffering.

Often, difficulties and discomfort get stuck in our heads. This is also a big part of Ironman – how much you are willing to experience and endure discomfort and suffering.

What would I do differently next time? I would probably manage the pace more wisely, especially in this heat. Perhaps, it would have been wiser to have magnesium on the track. There are no specific plans for the new season yet. As always, the main goal is to be active, enjoy movement and look for exciting challenges to make life even cooler. Who knows, maybe the triathlon is just what is needed.

Simon Lukka: Personal best, but a bit disappointed

It was a very exciting journey from the nomination of participants to the competition. I am a little disappointed with my own result. I did achieve my personal best, but my current shape seemed to promise more. Of course, the very hot weather played a big role. I underestimated the effect of the heat and set too fast a pace. The second half of the run was very exhausting, but I managed it and, considering the circumstances, I am quite pleased with the result.

I am extremely proud of my team, the other team and all the individual competitors. Everyone worked hard and my hat is off to them. And thanks also to MyFitness for creating this opportunity for us. Ironman is one awesome sporting event and I’m grateful to be a part of it. In the new season, I definitely plan to continue training and running at least as seriously and set new goals and records.

Maigi Vändre: The competition was a real rush of emotions

It felt like a roller coaster! It all started with swimming; I had never had to swim in waves before. For me it was quite an exciting and strange experience, because when I inhaled the waves tried to push water into my throat, and the direction always seemed to go where the wave was going – it was even a bit funny and comical for me.

I was flying on the bike with a satisfied smile because the swim time was quite good. It seemed that everything was going well when we got on the road and gradually felt the wind, but this is always the case – when you ride a bike, the wind is always against you, and this time was no exception. But it was not that simple! The wind was felt on almost every section of the track, sometimes I even suspected that maybe the tire on the bike was flat, it was not moving forward at all. I had to work harder and remember that everyone had the same conditions and there was nothing to change – I gave everything I had.

Yes, it was hard, but everyone had the same conditions, and I gave it my all, I have nothing to be ashamed of.

The run started with a feeling as if I had been hit on the head with a log, and a serious sunstroke – the first kilometers flew by as if in a fog. During the bike ride in extreme heat, you could splash yourself with water at every drinking station, so my socks were also wet. Of course, I did not change them when I went for the run. From the first steps on the trail it became clear that I would not leave without blisters. However, it was too hot, and the first 7 kilometers were very difficult – all I could do was hoping my health would hold up. Luckily, I was saved by ice cubes, which made me feel much better, and I more or less covered the remaining kilometers from one drinking station to another to grab a handful of ice cubes again.

In fact, everything is fine, because I did it in completely different conditions than the previous year. Yes, it was hard, but everyone had the same conditions, and I gave it my all, I have nothing to be ashamed of.  There are no specific plans for the new season yet (although there are plenty interesting ideas), but I already have the equipment, so why not compete again if there is an opportunity.

Keidy Kulbas: On the one hand, a great feeling, on the other hand, a slight disappointment

At the end of the race, I was overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions – on one hand, a super powerful feeling that I did it and that I had great people around me, on the other hand, a slight note of disappointment that I couldn’t show the time I wanted, whether it was because of the insane heat or just a tactically incorrect run.

Appetite comes with eating! One day, I will have to repeat this madness on my own.

Nevertheless, I believe that my preparation was sufficient and the recovery has also been rather quick. I’m already thinking about where else to run this season. I definitely plan to run throughout the fall and winter to keep in shape. In the new season, I want to be even faster on the running track, and why not also try to catch up with “you” by cycling. As they say, when you eat, your appetite increases, so did my appetite for sports during the Ironman competition, so that one day I will still have to go through this madness alone.

However, I think my preparation was sufficient and my recovery was also rather quick. I am already thinking about where else to run this season. I definitely plan to run throughout the fall and winter to keep in shape. This season, I want to be even faster on the track, and why not try to get more familiar with the bike. As they say, appetite comes with eating, and my athletic appetite only got bigger with the Ironman competition; so one day, I will have to repeat this madness on my own anyway.

Anastasia Jevdokimova: Meeting yourself

Despite the fact that the final result was far from the goal, I am happy with the performance and proud of myself. On the track, I met my best friend again – myself.

The bike took so much energy again that I had no strength left for running. The fight against the storm headwind was so frustrating that I was tearing up when it was hard.

But the sweetest moment was the finish line, where my family and friends were waiting for me. Their support is invaluable!

On the track, I met my best friend again – myself.

All in all, it was a wonderful day and memories for a lifetime. I remember very well the moment when I signed up for the first Ironman in my life, and now I am a three-time IronWoman! The goal is to experience all the excitement next year as a spectator or, perhaps, a volunteer. This is definitely not my last Ironman! See you again in 2027!

Lauri Pakkas: The competition went as planned

The competition went according to plan. Despite the pain in my leg, my arms did not fail me, and I was able to reach my goal of swimming the distance in 30 minutes. Since I had to run 150 meters in the water before and after the swim, it did not make my life easier, but I still managed to find my rhythm. When the swimming is clear, this distance will not break bones, so recovery was also not a problem, although the non-alcoholic beer at the finish was very tasty. I have been part of the Ironman team several times and I have also ran a half marathon, so next year I plan to run a full marathon. Quietly and calmly, I have already started mentally preparing.

Laura-Lotte Varvas: More energy every year

Every year, Ironman gave me a lot of energy for the coming autumn, and this time too, I have a very cheerful outlook. So many inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds. I think the race went well; I swam with my best result so far (the swimming time has improved by a few minutes every year).

I do not think it could have been much better this time, the course was interesting; unlike previous years, in addition to swimming, I had to run and fight off jellyfish. Perhaps I should practice more how to swim past people more effectively when necessary. The swimming distance was short for me, and my childhood swimming skills will probably stay with me for life, so I didn’t have to recover much. I would really like to compete alone in the new season, but we will see.

Pavel Borovkov: The next level is definitely ahead

Ironman always brings me really cool emotions. As always, after the competition I am 1001 percent full of energy and motivation. Next year I plan to try to seriously improve my time at the half Ironman, and the year after I plan to complete the full distance.

Every new start or difficulty increases the desire to become an even stronger Ironman!

As for the triathlon this year, I was very surprised by the cycling; the uphill climbs with a strong headwind left vivid memories. But it motivated me to train even more seriously on the bike next year.

My story with Ironman is not over yet! Every new start or difficulty increases the desire to become an even stronger Ironman!

Raivo Nõmm: Exceeding all expectations

When I arrived at the competition site on Saturday and saw this wind at sea, I scratched my head. I had inside information that with such a wind there would be no swim on Sunday because the lifeguards on the course would simply not be able to do their job. Luckily, the weather was calmer on Sunday. The morning of my race day was relatively nervous, because the day before I had not put water bottles on my bike, I had to get to the tire change area in time, fortunately I made it 7 minutes before it closed. For the start of the swim, I chose the faster 30-35 minute group, with the idea that it is always worth being with the faster ones, and then there will be no many passes. This proved to be truth, because I managed to get off to a great start right away and no one passed me, I swam the distance in 35 minutes.

The crowd on the course and the way they cheered was, of course, amazing and fantastic.

I felt very good on the bike, and in hindsight, I could have ridden even more boldly. There was quite a strong headwind and sidewind on the cycling course, which actually suited me a bit, as it tends to bring out the stronger cyclists. I managed to avoid any warnings or penalties, although at times, there were so many people that it was difficult to maintain the required distance from the rider ahead. My cycling time was 2:40, which was about 20 minutes better than last year when I participated with a team and cycled.

The transition from cycling to running was quite challenging, as I spent a lot of time trying to find my bike spot. Then came the final stage. On paper, one might think this would be my strongest part, but that wasn’t the case. The first few kilometers were pretty good, but from then on, things started to fall apart. I set myself the goal of not walking, and I didn’t. I have to admit that running has been the area I’ve focused on the least this year, and it showed in my run result—time 1:46:00, which doesn’t really stand up to much criticism.

The crowd along the course and the way they cheered was, of course, amazing and fantastic. When I reached the finish and saw the time, I was satisfied with the day. Before the start, I was hoping for a time around 5:45–5:50, but I ended up with 5:13.

Recovery has been good, and my spirits remain positive. I know I can perform better in this event, as I had some reserve in all three disciplines, especially in the run. Therefore, I’ve set a goal to participate next year and try to break the 5-hour mark—I have the motivation for it.

A big thank you and a deep bow to the MyFitness team for giving me the opportunity to participate in this amazing sporting event. Thank you!

A big thanks also to all the other members of our team who participated and were part of this powerful event.

“Ironman 70.3 was a powerful experience for our team, full of challenges and great lessons. Whether it’s setting a personal record, pushing one’s limits, or setting new goals, these stories show how much a person can achieve when they believe in themselves and test their boundaries. Here’s to the adventures of the next season!


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