
The Ironman 70.3, also known as the Half Ironman, is a race consisting of a 1.9 km swim, a 90 km bike ride and a 21.1 km run. Although the entire race is physically and mentally challenging, for many participants it is the swimming that can be the biggest challenge.

An Ironman swim is typically held in open water and is definitely very different from swimming in a pool. In the pool it is easy to stay on the track, but in open water you need to follow the landmark and keep your direction. Temperature fluctuations, waves and swimming next to other participants require good tactics and preparation. We asked our participants how their swimming training was going, and also received practical advice on open water swimming.

In the individual competition of Ironman 70.3 MyFitness is represented by our group and personal trainers Maigi Vändre, Raivo Nõmm, Pavel Borovkov and MyFitness Rocca al Mare manager Anastasia Jevdokimova.

Maigi, this year you are participating in the Ironman 70.3 competition for the second time. How is your preparation going?

Swimming is going well because I had to pay more attention to it at university. Therefore, I am gradually moving forward, improving and monitoring my technique and breathing. At the moment, I have only been in the open water once and spent more time in the pool.

Swimming in a pool is certainly good and comfortable, but open water is more exciting and varied – and time goes by much faster. Since last year I swam the entire distance with breaststroke, this time during training I am more focused on freestyle.

Anastasia, this is not your first time participating in these competition either. What did you focus on during preparation?

The main focus is on developing endurance. The swimming distance is short, but takes a lot of energy. There is still 90 km of cycling and 21 km of running ahead, so the goal is to swim at a good pace, straight and efficient, so that you have enough strength for the next stages.

Open water swimming is also a little more challenging as you have to deal with waves, seaweed and wind that do not exist in a pool.

Raivo, how are your swimming training going? Do you prefer swimming in open water or in a pool?

Swimming is going according to plan; I train twice a week and in open water. I usually run for about 50 minutes first. When swimming, I focus primarily on technique and good rhythm, and I also try to swim 2 km. Personally, I prefer open water swimming. Open water swimming is also a little more challenging as you have to deal with waves, seaweed and wind that do not exist in a pool. The competition will also take place in open water, and there the time goes by a bit faster in my opinion.

I pay a lot of attention to efficient swimming, so that gliding in the water is good, the breathing is correct, and the footwork is optimal.

Pavel, you are already an experienced Ironman participant. How are you progressing with training?

Currently I swim twice a week for 45 minutes. Until June I swam in the pool, but now all training takes place in open water. Swimming in open water has its own characteristics, so my goal is to gradually accustom the body to them. I pay a lot of attention to efficient swimming, so that gliding in the water is good, the breathing is correct, and the footwork is optimal. The goal is to swim well in the competition, but keep the body fresh for the bike ride. I don’t set a specific time for myself.

In the team competition at the swim we will see MyFitness swimming trainer Lauri Pakkas and personal trainer Laura-Lotte Varvas.

Lauri, in your case, it can be said that swimming is in your blood. You have been guiding others for 15 years. How is your training going?

These days I focus more on running, but I also swim in open water several times a week. Further attention will be paid to swimming. During training, I focus on endurance and speed to achieve my goal. I love swimming in open water. It’s more fun for me, and swimming in nature is just wonderful. Swimming in various beautiful open waters gives a pleasant energy.

Laura-Lotte, you have 12 years of competitive swimming experience and this is not the first time you have competed in the Ironman 70.3 team event. Have you become friends with open water swimming?

Personally, I prefer swimming in the pool. Since I have been swimming since my youth, the pool is a home environment for me. I’m also not the biggest fan of algae and fish, so I prefer clear pool water to Estonian ponds.

Also, I have had problems in the past with maintaining a trajectory in open water; this year I still need to practice so I won’t swim extra meters and will cover the distance as quickly as possible.




  • Do your first training in open water together with someone to feel more confident.
  • To be safe, use swim buoys in open water so that you can be seen by others. The buoy is also a good way to catch your breath if something goes wrong during your training.
  • Buy yourself a quality wetsuit that fits comfortably. Be sure to try on different wetsuits beforehand and make sure they are no thicker than 5mm.
  • Start open water swimming as early as possible and swim in any weather. You never know what the weather will be like on race day.
  • Practice staying on track in open water and following the landmark so you won’t veer too far off course.
  • Before the competition, be sure to participate in some Triathlon series events to practice swimming with others. You can find more information about the stages of the triathlon series here: Triatlonisari. The next stages of the Triathlon series will take place on July 27 in Otepää and August 10 in Maardu!

You will find everything you need for swimming training in Sportland stores in Estonia. Their range includes open water wetsuits, triathlon suits and a variety of workout equipment to take your training to the next level.

We wish our teams and individual participants easy gliding in the water, strong strokes and large lung capacity during training! You can start counting the days, because Ironman 70.3 in Tallinn will take place on August 25!


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