Full Body Transformation

Training program: 24.03 - 09.05.2025

Join the “Full Body Transformation” Program

Trainer: Viktoryia Zamiralava
Location: MyFitness Kärberi
Program duration: 24.03.2025 – 09.05.2025

Personal trainer Viktoryia Zamiralava invites everyone who wants to:
• Burn fat
• Improve muscle tone
• Correct posture
• Boost overall well-being

Group I
Mondays & Wednesdays, 07:30–08:30
(times and days can be adjusted if needed)

Group II
Wednesdays & Fridays, 12:00–13:00
(times and days can be adjusted if needed)

These workouts focus on strengthening the legs, glutes, and core. During our training sessions, you’ll strengthen your muscles, burn excess weight, and gain positive energy and a great mood for the rest of the day!

Program Overview:
NB! Missed sessions will not be compensated, but the trainer will provide a personalized workout plan you can follow on your own.

Payment is made on-site at MyFitness Kärberi.
The program includes a total of 14 training sessions. Payment is made in two parts:

  • First payment of €126 before the first session (covers 7 sessions)
  • Second payment of €126 before the 8th session
    This makes each session only €18 instead of the regular €50!

Group size: Maximum of 6 participants!

To register for the program, write to:

If you’d like to make any changes or adjustments, just let us know!