Would you like to get stronger, have more endurance and improve your fitness in ultimate level?
Here is an unique chance to join with CrossTraining program, that is lead by MyFitness personal trainer Laura-Liza Treilmann!
You need to be fast, as only 6 people will get this chance to join in the very first CrossTraining program!
To join with the program, you shoud say “YES” to following points:
- You want to look leaner, lose fat, tone your abs, legs, glutes and upper body
- You are ready to commit to certain program and trainings that are put together by personal trainer
- You do not have serious injuries or health issues
- You would like to be part of a group, where all the members support eatch other
- You want to get weekly advice and tips about nutrition and training
Every participant that joins with the group will get a FREE body analyse test in the beginning and end of the program!
Laura-Liza CrossTraining program (MyFitness Lasnamäe Linnamäe):
- START: 30.01.18
- END: 02.03.18
- Times: Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday at 8:30 am
All the trainings will be held on MyFitness Lasnamäe Linnamäe new and cool CrossTraining area! Your trainings will be functional, different and awesome! Trainer will use different equipment and exercises that will challenge you and help you improve your strength, coordination and mobility. Firstly, you will compete with your own results and you will see changes in your body already in 2 first weeks!
As a result you will be leaner and stronger!
To join the program, send e-mail to trainer:
One group personal training will be only 18 euros (instead of 40)! To ensure your spot in group, you should pay for first 7 sessions in MyFitness Lasnamäe Linnamäe reception (126 eur). If you do not have MyFitness membership, 5 euros for entrance will be added for every training.
NB! Only 6 places in one group!
We will not compensate if you miss a training, but personal trainer will be happy to give you a personal plan to train whenever suitable for you!